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About us

A short description of our Foundation


About us

Leo Foundation is an Association for Social Development and Support whose contents are inspired on the principles of solidarity, transparency and democracy.

Leo Foundation exclusively pursues the aim to promote interculturality, science, social solidarity and is a non-profit organization.

Leo Foundation intends to undertake the following actions:

  1. Direct promotion of projects and actions in the areas of culture, scientific research, social and health care, environment, education and training, sports, involving residents in Italy and abroad in a direct manner, that is in cooperation with associations, institutions and agencies located in Italy and countries where the foundation is active;

  2. To promote sustainable development, peace, democracy, solidarity and justice amongst peoples also through upgraded standards of living as well as progress and economic and social development;

  3. Difendere le identità culturali di ciascuno senza trascurare particolare attenzione alla interculturalità affinché, oltre al soddisfacimento di bisogni primari, vengano ad avere piena realizzazione i diritti umani, civili, politici e sociali delle popolazioni, onde prevenire e risolvere conflitti sociali;
  4. To promote the role of female population through enhancement of women’s role and improvement of women’s conditions, thus resulting in elimination of any form of discrimination or exclusion;

  5. To protect children’s and adolescents’ rights; to contribute to re-building, stabilize and develop processes under crisis and emergency situations by providing assistance to countries and populations stricken by natural disasters or human factor-induced events;

  6. To preserve social-environmental balance by fighting bio-climatic and land degradation, also in the light to preserve and enhance cultural and environmental heritage;

  7. To establish mutual relations of solidarity and interaction between people living in the region of Tuscany, Italy, and their countries of origin;

  8. To promote a culture of humanistic mediation of social conflicts as a tool for peace-making, social cohesion and integration of different cultures.

Funds for investments will be obtained through individual donations by private citizens and community organizations

Together with Amici di Watamu-Kenya, Leo Foundation will cooperate to the management of the holiday house “Casabaldino Africa”. Holiday fees paid by tourists for their “dreamy holiday…” will be fully committed (deducted by staff management expenses) to funding solidarity projects selected by the tourists themselves in the three areas of operations identified by the Foundation:

  1. Humanitarian aid and school education in villages in and around Watamu;

  2. Implementation of toilet facilities in villages in and around Watamu;

  3. Implementation of wells for drinking water in villages in the area of Malindi.

Donors will receive real-time updates on the progress made on their selected projects through the Foundation newsletter and the website.

Leofoundation works with:

Our foundation needs you too. Help us complete our projects!

Please feel free to submit your donation or utilize services delivered by the associate providers of our foundation:

DonationAssociated Services
Toilet services
Drinking water wells
27 childrens
School Education
153 peoples
Humanitarian aid

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Note aggiuntive - Additional note
Per effettuare un bonifico bancario le coordinate sono le seguenti / For a bank wire transfer please send payement to: Leo Foundation IBAN: IT 97 K 01030 71331 000000 661226 -C.F. LEO FOUNDATION 92088760514