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International Cooperation

Leo Foundation Worldwide

One of Leo Foundation’s key Missions focuses on the direct promotion of projects and actions in cooperation with associations, institutions and agencies located in Italy and in countries where the foundation is active with the aim to:

  • promote sustainable development, peace, democracy, solidarity and justice amongst peoples also through upgraded standards of living as well as progress and economic and social development;

  • protect each and everyone’s cultural identity without losing focus on interculturality so that, in addition to catering to primary needs, human, civil, political and social rights of populations will be entirely fulfilled, thus preventing and solving social clashes;

  • promote the role of female population through the enhancement of women’s role and improvement of women’s conditions, thus resulting in elimination of any form of discrimination or exclusion;

  • protect children’s and adolescents’ rights; to contribute to re-building, stabilize and develop processes under crisis and emergency situations by providing assistance to countries and populations stricken by natural disasters or human factor-induced events;

  • preserve social-environmental balance by fighting bio-climatic and land degradation, also in the light to preserve and enhance cultural and environmental heritage.

Leofoundation collabora con:

Our Africa

Check out our Kenya page or open the tab of CasaBaldino accommodation for your solidarity holiday


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