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Your dreamy holiday … helps the needy!

“Casabaldino Africa” is the house to Leo Foundation and the Association “Amici di Watamu”.  It is a deluxe villa where you can spend your holiday enjoying total relax, 5-minute walking distance from the sea… and choose which solidarity project your holiday fee portion is destined to: your dreamy holiday…. helps the needy!”

Casabaldino Africa is situated in Watamu, a fishermen’s village featuring the most beautiful sea waters and beaches in Kenya. Casabaldino Africa is about 800 m from the sea which can be reached by comfortably walking along a pathway leading to the beach. The Villa includes 4 double bedrooms named after the 4 natural elements:

Sand (in swahili MCHANGA), Water (in swahili MAJI), Fire (in swahili MOTO), Air (in swahili HEWA).

Ground floor: 2 double bedrooms, “Mchanga” and “Maji”, each with its own bathroom, kitchen and a spacious veranda where guests will enjoy delicious meals and experience total relax.

Upper floor: 2 double bedrooms, “Moto” and “Hewa”, with a shared bathroom and a large veranda overlooking the sea.

Outdoor is a gracious tropical garden featuring pineapple, mango, lemon, orange, coconut, papaya and passion fruit trees, a “legendary” baobab tree and the “sweet-smelling forest” of frangipani trees, where you’ll be enchanted by the intense and pleasant perfume released by candidly white frangipani flowers.

In the garden is also a pool whose bottom recalls a turtle shell …

The villa is surrounded by a characteristic pink coral stone wall.

Our guests will be able to taste yummy meals prepared by our cook… fish servings in particular are literally “lips-licking” … just have a try and let us know!

Leo Foundation staff will take care of you locally and provide daily assistance. They will make arrangements for transfers from/to the airport and will be providing any info you may need on places to visit, the best tourist destinations, safari trips and organized tours, solidarity visits to the surrounding villages and to the project sites assisted by Leo Foundation, etc…  Anything you may need to enjoy a happy and totally relaxing holiday or to engage in touristic and solidarity visits will be within your easy reach.


A selection of pictures of the accommodation facility

Accommodation fees

High Season B&B


Price per person for reservation of a double bedroom with double occupancy

Low Season B&B


Price per person for reservation of a double bedroom with double occupancy

High season B&B Single occupancy


Price per person for reservation of a room with single occupancy

Low season B&B Single occupancy


Price per person for reservation of a room with single occupancy.

Prices include: linen (bedsheets and towels) with weekly replacement; housekeeping; use of the swimming pool; security guard at night; waitress; cook.

The cook will take care of buying fish, meat, fruit and vegetables on a daily basis (all genuine and 0 food miles) and cooking your delicious meals.

High season includes the months of July, August, September, December, January, February and Easter. The remaining months are considered low season months.

Breakfast: euro 5 (included in the B&B daily fee)

Lunch: euro 10

Dinner: euro 15

Children up to the age of 12 enjoy a15% discount on food and accommodation fee.

The Villa can be booked on an exclusive basis.

Special Offers on accommodation and services as well as Special Packages are available depending on the season.

Ask for availability at CASABALDINO

Please submit your request via e-mail by clicking on the button or just drop us a line at


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